The Leaders Adventure

Leadership should be an adventure.
A journey of discovery and exploration as we lead those around us.
Sometimes the path we follow may be clear and other times it may be difficult to see.
Sometimes we may have signs or guides to help us and other times we may need to find the way on our own.
Sometimes there is a clear destination and sometimes there isn’t.
Sometimes the path will be easy and sometimes there will be obstacles in the way.
Whatever path we take it should be fun, challenging and memorable and hopefully we will end up in a better place than where we started.

Read my thoughts here
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Our mission

  • Removing the pain points for team members
  • Improving teams individually and as a whole
  • Experimenting to see what works and what doesn’t
  • Integrity and accountability
  • Delivery of the best solutions
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Our nemesis

Every adventurer encounters things that stand in their way.

  • Using formal Agile processes because the books says you should
  • Doing things just for the sake of them or “we always do it that way”
  • Processes that get in the way